Third day in Chiang Mai. The weather are getting bad day by day. Suit up to warm myself. Well, I am well-prepared for my presentation in the afternoon section.
Keynote talk of the topic is Space Flights Projects Complexity: ICT and Human Risk Management presented by Michel Tognini, an astronaut and former Head of ESA EU Astronaut Centre. Mr.Michel shared his life journey towards as astronaut, human-machine interaction, spacecraft and training. It was an interesting topic. After Mr.Michel presentation end, there are press conference awaiting for him.
As time tick, I'm getting nervous where my presentation slot in the afternoon section. I am proud that I managed to answered opened by the flows.
Minh and me. Minh is a lecturer from Vietnam National University.
Ready for Gala Dinner. Minh and me apparently stayed at the same floor, so we planned to go for dinner together. As we walked to the restaurant, I was wondering why there are no one in the restaurant and the windy blows in so windy. As we saw, the dinner was held outside the restaurant beside the swimming pool, Minh and me decided to go back our room to get our coat. It was indeed a cold and windy weather.
The ceremony began with two traditional dance. The Gala Dinner is a buffet type. They do served fruit juices, soft drinks, beers and wines. The foods are delicious, just that it was cold as the foods was place in the cold weather.
Everyone was busy exchanged their name card, Facebook, email and Skype. And talked about their background of their research studies, exchanged ideas knowledge, multi-cultural, future and family.
Left above: Yohannes from Binus University, Indonesia; Adhi from Binus University, Indonesia; Worawut aka Paul, PHD student at Northumbria University and a lecturer at Chiang Mai University; I forgot his name but I remembered that he is from Bangkok, Thailand who studies in Germany.
Left below: Richard Yu came from Taiwan who is currently persuading his PHD at Griffith University, Australia; Minh came from Hanoi, Vietnam who is lecturer from Vietnam National University; Pooja came from Bhutan studied at Northumbria University, UK; Nadiah from UPM and me
Peter and Me
Nadiah, Pooja and Worawut (a local here, Chiang Mai) invited Minh, Richard and me to night bazaar. Before we go to night bazaar, Worawut brought us to watched sightseeing around in Chiang Mai. By the way, Worawut is local here in Chiang Mai. He's really a good tour guide. He explained the history of Chiang Mai, monuments and what's best in Chiang Mai.
Worawut brought us here to have hot dessert. As you walked to your table, you can smell a strong oil lamp which olden days people used that to lighten up the room, hawker stall during the night. This little truck run by an old man.
Hot dessert arrived.
As you can see, there are ginko and sesame sweet. The water based is made of ginger juice added hot water. Good choice to have this during the cold weather. It make your body stay warm.
Everyone enjoying.
Tau Fu Fa in the ginger water.
The Three KingsMonuments.
The three statues are the three kings; King Mengrai (the founder of Chiang Mai), King Ramkamhaeng and King Ngam Muang. The kings stand in front of Ciry Art and Cultural Center Museum. The Kings task were to built the new city of Chiang Mai which has been an independent kingdom, dominant power in region and a prosperous part of modern Kingdom of Thailand.
As the weather is getting cold, everyone decided to go to night bazaar tomorrow. Yeap, that's the end of third day in Ching Mai.
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